=== XML Sitemap & Google News Sitemap Feeds === == Translation == 1. Install PoEdit on your computer. 2. Go to this plugins /languages/ directory. 3. If there is no .po file that corresponds with your language yet, rename the template translation database xml-sitemap-feed-xx_XX.po by replacing the xx with your language code and XX with your country code. 4. Open the .po file of your language with PoEdit. 5. Go to Edit > Preferences and on the tab Editor check the option to compile a .mo database on save automatically. Close with OK. 6. Go to Catalog > Settings and set your name, e-mail address, language and country. Close with OK. 7. Go to Catalog > Update from POT-file and select the main xml-sitemap-feed.pot file. Then accept all new and removed translation strings with OK. 8. Now go ahead and start translating all the texts listed in PoEdit. 9. When done, go to File > Save to Save. 10. Upload the automatically created xml-sitemap-feed-xx_XX.mo database file (where xx_XX should now be your language and country code) to the plugins /languages/ directory on your WordPress site. 11. After verifying the translations work on your site, send the .mo file and, if you're willing to share it, your original .po file to ravanhagen@gmail.com and don't forget to tell me how and with what link you would like to be mentioned in the credits! Thanks for sharing your translation :)