== Changelog == This file contains only old changelog. See readme.txt for newer versions. = 2.0.12 (2016-12-19) = * Fix plugin not loaded first (introduced in 2.0.11) * Fix wrong translations files loaded when the language is set from the content in WP 4.7 #76 * Fix notice when a tax query has no terms (using EXISTS or NOT EXISTS) = 2.0.11 (2016-12-12) = * Pro: Fix shared term slugs broken by a late change in WP 4.7 #73 * Pro: Fix media taxonomies lost when creating a media translation when taxonomies sync is activated #72 * Fix fatal error in customizer when Twenty Seventen is activated and another theme is previewed #71 * Fix wrong plugin language on admin if user locale is different from site locale in WP 4.7 = 2.0.10 (2016-12-05) = * Add support for front page panels of Twenty Seventeen * Remove draft posts from the language switcher even when the user is logged in * Fix: Make argument 2 of icl_object_id optional * Fix a conflict with the Divi theme (#67) = 2.0.9 (2016-11-15) = * Fix javascript error in some ajax requests = 2.0.8 (2016-11-14) = * Disable admin language feature in WP 4.7+ * Pro: fix case where a media could lose its parent post when translated on the fly by the content duplication * Pro: fix on the fly media created at content duplication attached to parent page instead of child page * Fix translations input fields not populated in languages metabox when creating a new translation in WP 4.7 * Fix possibility to delete the translations of the default category in WP 4.7 * Fix tag search not filtered per language in Quick edit in WP 4.7 * Fix dropdown language switcher not working for untranslated pages = 2.0.7 (2016-10-18) = * Fix issues with static front pages introduced in version 2.0.6 = 2.0.6 (2016-10-17) = * Pro: Fix translated paged slug not working on paged static front page * Add support for WPML filter 'wpml_language_form_input_field' * Fix PHP notice when using the WPML filter 'wpml_current_language' * Fix cases where the admin language filter is not correctly taken into account * Fix paged static front pages in plain permalinks * Fix paged static front pages for multiple domains (#43) * Fix warning occuring when a 3rd party plugin attempts to register anything but a string in the strings translations panel * Fix cross domain http request for media when using multiple domains or subdomains * Fix error 404 on pages when no language has been created yet = 2.0.5 (2016-09-22) Five years after! = * Pro: Fix conflict with WPBakery Visual Composer * Pro: Fix conflict between multiple domains SSO and FORCE_SSL_ADMIN * Pro: Fix duplicated fields not displayed in new translation in ACF Pro 5.4+ * Add Tibetan and Silesian to the predefined languages list * Remove duplicated strings from the strings translations (even when they have a different name or group) * The languages and translations of custom post types and taxonomies are no more activated by default at activation * Allow to deactivate auto translation in secondary by setting 'lang' to an empty value * Fix: invalidate the cache of PLL_MO ids when adding a new language * Fix: don't filter secondary queries when editing a post in an untranslated post type = 2.0.4 (2016-09-06) = * Add Gujarati to the predefined languages list * Fix conflict with Page Builder. Other parts of the conflict are fixed in Page Builder 2.4.14 * Fix plugins translations incorrectly loaded in WP 4.6 * Fix error 404 on paged urls when using a non standard port = 2.0.3 (2016-08-16) = * Pro: Fix PHP notice when hiding the language code in url and the language is set from subdomains * Pro: Fix one more media being created when the duplicate media in all languages is activated (introduced in 2.0) * Pro: Fix shared term slugs not working on PHP 7 * Pro: Fix Polylang storing integers in some ACF Pro fields where ACF Pro stores strings * Pro: Fix ACF Pro custom fields synchronized even when the custom fields synchronization option is deactivated (#40) * Fix PHP notice: Undefined variable: original_value in /modules/wpml/wpml-api.php on line 168 * Fix translations loaded too soon by plugins not correctly reloaded since WP 4.6 (#39) * Fix: Remove the delete link for translations of the default category on PHP 7 * Fix unescaped i18n strings in Lingotek presentation = 2.0.2 (2016-08-03) = * Avoid fatal error when a 3rd party theme or plugin has a malformed wpml-config.xml file: the malformed wpml-config.xml file is simply ignored = 2.0.1 (2016-08-02) = * Fix fatal error on PHP < 5.4 (introduced in 2.0) * Fix custom flags not being loaded (introduced in 2.0) = 2.0 (2016-08-02) = * Pro: Improve integration with ACF Pro * Pro: Add support for single sign on across multiple domains or subdomains * Pro: Add support for browser language detection when using multiple domains * Pro: Add support for translation of the static portion of the post permalink structure * Pro: Fix deactivated languages appearing in Yoast SEO sitemaps * Pro: Fix impossibility to visit a deactivated language when using subdomains or multiple domains (#10) * Pro: Fix when sharing slug on the page for posts, only one of them is accessible (#33) * Add the possibility to use the language switcher as dropdown in menu * Add support for custom logo introduced in WP 4.5 (#6) * The backend current language ( PLL()->curlang ) is now equal to the language of current post or term being edited (#19) * The sample permalink is now updated when changing the language in the Languages metabox * Revamp the wpml-config.xml reader to use simplexml instead of our custom xml parser * Improve support for the WPML API (including Hook API introduced in WPML 3.2) * Add support for translation of meta titles and descriptions of custom post types and custom taxonomies in Yoast SEO * Replace uncached functions by WPCOM VIP functions when available * Improve compatibility with WP 4.6 * Fix parent category wrongly assigned to post when synchronizing children categories (#21) * Fix custom fonts not loaded when using multiple domains or subdomains * Fix remove_accents() not working for German and Danish (#24) * Fix incorrect static front pages urls on backend * Fix impossible to directly enter the page number in strings translation table (introduced in 1.9.3) * Fix conflict with WP Sweep (needs WP Sweep 1.0.8+) * Fix potential performance issue by querying only taxonomies to show in quick edit to filter the category checklist * Fix conflict (database error) with ReOrder-posts-within-categories plugin * Fix languages per page option not saved = 1.9.3 (2016-06-28) = * Pro: Allow to add slashes in url slugs translations * Pro: Fix archive links not using translated slugs * Pro: Fix visitor being redirected to 404 if his browser preference is set to an inactive language * Fix strings translations table always back to page 1 when submitting the form (#14) * Fix get_pages( array( 'lang' => '' ) ) not querying all the languages * Fix switching the admin language filter can override the static front page settings (#16) = 1.9.2 (2016-06-06) = * Pro: fix unreachable hierarchical custom post type posts when they are sharing slugs across languages * Fix missing argument 3 in icl_t * Fix conflict with WooCommerce product variations = 1.9.1 (2016-05-23) = * Pro: add compatibility with Beaver Builder * Pro: fix media wrongly created when adding a new media translation * Add azb, ceb, de_CH_informal, es_GT, mr, nl_NL_formal to the predefined list of languages * Fix the language switcher not linking to media translations for anonymous visitors = 1.9 (2016-04-27) = * Pro: add the possibility to translate custom post types slugs, taxonomies slugs and more * Pro: add the possibility to share the same post or term slug accross languages * Pro: add the possibility to duplicate the content when creating a new translation * Pro: add the possibility to create all translations at once when uploading a media * Pro: add the possibility to disable a language * Add license and update management * Add inline docs for all filters and actions * When possible, the rel alternate hreflang now display only the language code (without the country code) * When combined with flags in the language switcher, wrap the language name inside tags * Add customizer selective refresh support for the language switcher widget ( needs WP 4.5+ ) * Fix dynamic options of the language switcher widget not working in the customizer * Fix possible error 404 on page shortlink when using subdomains or multiple domains * Fix get_adjacent_post() and wp_get_archives() for untranslated post types ( needs WP 4.4+ ) * Fix language homepage urls not present in Yoast SEO sitemap (when the homepages display posts) = 1.8.5 (2016-04-03) = * Revert from $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] to $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] to detect if the user is on login/register/signup page * Fix incompatibility introduced by WP 4.5 in Edit single taxonomy term screen * Fix existing post overriden when creating a language and a conflicting plugin sets the global $post on languages pages = 1.8.4 (2016-03-06) = * Revert canonical redirection of static front page when combining plain permalinks + default language hidden in url (introduced in 1.8.2) = 1.8.3 (2016-03-04) = * fix: All pages are redirected to the home page on some installations (introduced in 1.8.2) = 1.8.2 (2016-03-02) = * Add support for the 'wpml_get_default_language()' function from the WPML API * Stop blocking saving settings when errors are detected (invalid domains) * Use publicly_queryable => true instead of public => true for the language taxonomy (WP 4.5+) * fix: PHP notice when pll_default_language() is called before a language is created * fix: PHP notice undefined property PLL_Language::$page_on_front * fix: canonical redirection of static front page when combining plain permalinks + default language hidden in url * fix: YARPP compatibility broken in v1.8 * fix: Remove the delete link for translations of the default category (introduced back by WP 4.3) * fix: settings not displayed with WP 4.1 or older = 1.8.1 (2016-01-31) = * Update the list of Facebook locales used for Opengraph support with Yoast SEO and Jetpack * fix: secondary query with translated post type and untranslated taxonomy mixes languages (introduced in 1.8) * fix: issue with paged static front page when hiding the default language in url * fix: potential issue with cache after synchronizations * fix: trailing slash added to canonical home url outputed by Yoast SEO when using default permalinks = 1.8 (2016-01-19) = * Minimum WordPress version is now 4.0 * Add ary, bn_BD, en_ZA, es_AR, fr_CA and fr_BE to the predefined languages list * Adopt WordPress coding standards * New structure for translated posts and terms (=> several methods of PLL_Model are deprecated). * Revamp the management of the static front page and page for posts * Improve performance for navigation menus with a lot of pages * The Polylang and WPML API are now loaded when 'plugins_loaded' is fired (on frontend only if at least one language has been defined) * Add 'pll_get_post_translations()' and 'pll_get_term_translations()' to the API * Add filter 'pll_cookie_expiration' to change the cookie expiration time * Add support for 'wpml_get_language_information()' function from the WPML API * The default language is now managed directly from the languages list table * Various accessibility improvements * It is now possible to choose the languages flags from the available list (custom flags on frontend still work as previously) * Revamp the settings page (now a list table with inline configuration) * Add an option to remove all data when uninstalling the plugin * Add test of subdomains and domains accessibility * Add post state for translations of the front page and posts page * Add better support of the customizer menus introduced in WP 4.3 * Media taxonomies (created by 3rd party plugins) are now filtered by language when editing a media * Synchronization of taxonomies (created by 3rd party plugins) and meta are now enabled for media * The 'hreflang' tag now refers to the locale instead of the 2-letters language code * Workaround for WordPress locales not being W3C valid (see #33511) * Workaround a bug in Nextgen Gallery causing redirect on album * Add compatibility with Duplicate Post plugin to avoid duplicated post keeping the link to translations * Add compatibility with Jetpack Related Posts * fix: incorrect rewrite rules after changing how the language is set (need to flush rewrite rules after this) * fix: password protected pages don't work on multiple domains * fix: ensure that the page parent is in the correct language when using bulk edit * fix: is_tax set on category and post tags archives when it should not * fix: automatically added new top-level pages to menus are not filtered by language * fix: nav menus locations are messed when changing the default language * fix: error 404 for untranslated taxonomies pages * fix: single posts and pages links do not include the language code when using the default permalinks and forcing the language code in url * fix: missing trailing slash on home url when using default permalinks or a static front page * fix: sticky visibility is copied to new translation only if the synchronization is activated * fix: remove "» Languages » [language name]" from the feed title * fix: spaces are not honored when searching strings translations * fix: default language not set and terms translations not correctly imported when using WordPress Importer * fix: the browser language detection does not differentiate 'en_US' and 'en_GB' * fix: non alphanumeric characters query vars values lead to an infinite redirection loop on static front pages * fix: user profile not saved for a language when the language code contains a "-" * fix: non translated posts page always link to the static front page even when they should not * fix: remove hreflang="x-default" when using one domain per language * fix: deprecated function notice in WP 4.5 alpha * fix: wrong url for attachments when media are translated and using subdomains * fix: wrong url for unattached attachments when using subdirectories (since WP 4.4) * fix: wrong url scheme for custom flags = 1.7.12 (2015-11-13) = * The language taxonomy is now public for compatibility with WP 4.4 * fix: nav menus locations are not correctly populated in customizer in WP 4.4 * fix: the termmeta table was still deleted at upgrade * fix: fatal error when using the argument 'post_id' in 'pll_the_languages()' (introduced in 1.7.11) [props EKesty](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-on) * fix: potential notice in 'pll_the_languages()' [props mattkeys](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-on) = 1.7.11 (2015-10-15) = * fix: conflict with GET ajax requests sent by the jquery method load * fix: notice in frontend-nav-menu.php at line 211 (introduced in 1.7.10) [props Jesse Graupmann](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/warning-and-notice-on-upgrade) * fix: the parent list in page attributes metabox is not in the correct language (introduced in 1.7.10) * fix: error 404 for attachments * fix: the language switcher is not displayed when combining "Forces link to front page" and "Hides languages with no translation" = 1.7.10 (2015-09-28) = * Add Occitan translation contributed by [Cédric Valmary](http://www.totenoc.eu/) * Add de_DE_formal, en_NZ, es_CO, hy, oci, ps and tl to the predefined languages list * Add the filter 'pll_predefined_languages' and the actions 'pll_language_edit_form_fields' and 'pll_language_add_form_fields' * the termmeta table (used in Polylang < 1.2) is no more deleted when uninstalling the plugin (as it will soon be included in WP) * fix: prevent creating a media translation if one already exists * fix: Attempt to translate the nav menus for themes registering a theme location but not using it in wp_nav_menu() * fix: Jetpack infinite scroll * fix: issue with terms languages when two languages have the same name * fix: notices when deleting a tag and Lingotek is active * fix: the languages cache is not cleaned when updating the site home url * fix: conflict with the theme Ambition * fix: front page canonical url displayed by Yoast SEO * fix: typo in options definition at install [props null.bit](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/suggestions-for-two-new-filters?replies=5#post-7466159) * fix: error when adding a term in a non-translated taxonomy = 1.7.9 (2015-08-17) = * Minimum WordPress version is now v3.9 * Add: hreflang="x-default" on front page when the default language code is not hidden in urls * fix: remove hreflang links in html head section of paged archives to please Google * fix: conflict with WPSEO sitemap caching when using multiple domains. [props Junaid Bhura](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-seo-sitemap-and-translation-subdomain-issue?replies=8#post-7113817) * fix: change the order of strings translations columns for better display on mobile devices in WP 4.3 * fix: various issues with nav menus and customizer in WP 4.3 * fix: correctly disallow unchecking both show names and show flags in the language switcher form = 1.7.8 (2015-07-21) = * fix: conflict with PHP < 5.4 introduced in 1.7.7 = 1.7.7 (2015-07-20) = * Add Romanian translation contributed by uskro * Add Japanese translation contributed by [Eiko Toda](http://www.eikotoda.com) * Update French translation contributed by [fxbenard](http://fxbenard.com/) * The language locale is now validated with the same pattern as in WP 4.3. See #28303 * fix: make sure that the language switcher never finds translations for untranslated post types (could occur when the post type was previously translated) * fix: display the default category according to the admin language filter in settings->writing * fix: flushing rewrite rules at network activation and de-activation is back. [props RavanH](https://polylang.wordpress.com/2015/06/10/polylang-1-7-6-and-multisite/comment-page-1/#comment-1138) * fix: avoid a conflict with WP Super Cache preloading (loading 'polylang_mo' posts which are 404). [props ecdltf](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/polylang_mo-and-404s-take-2) * fix: customizer menus issues introduced by changes in WP 4.1 * fix: strings translations are not saved when pressing enter * fix: it is not possible to de-activate the translation for custom post types and taxonomies from wpml-config.xml * fix: conflict whith plugins using stringified json in ajax requests = 1.7.6 (2015-06-10) = * Add Galician translation contributed by [Toño Calo](http://fedellar.wordpress.com/) * fix: incorrect post type archive link for untranslated post types * fix: notices in wp-import.php * fix: avoid flushing rewrite rules at network activation and de-activation * fix: the note below the category list table displays the default category according to the admin language filter * fix: wrong future posts permalinks * fix: deleting a media translation deletes the file too * fix: when using persistent object cache, get_terms is not always filtered by the correct language on admin side * fix: it is possible to create two categories having the same translation * fix: fatal error when using the dropdown language switcher in WP < 4.1 = 1.7.5 (2015-05-11) = * Add 'pll_languages_list' filter * fix: warning when a plugin calls 'icl_object_id' with an untranslated post type (seen in ACF 4.4.1) * fix: the language is not correctly set from the url when using PATHINFO permalinks (introduced in 1.6!) * fix: notice when a search is filtered by a taxonomy term in a different language = 1.7.4 (2015-05-03) = * fix: translated taxonomies and post types from wpml-config.xml are not filtered on frontend (introduced in 1.7.2) * fix: WPML strings translations not always loaded (introduced in 1.7) * fix: $.ajaxPrefilter() may not work as expected [props ScreenfeedFr](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/ajaxprefilter-may-not-work-as-expected) * fix: can't hide the language code for the default language when using subdomains * fix: incorrect static front page url when hiding the default language information * fix: an untranslated posts page may display posts in all languages * fix: javascript error when changing the language of a hierarchical post type from the languages metabox in WP 4.2 * fix: subdomains urls are malformed when the main site uses www. * fix: suggest tags are not filtered in quick edit * fix: parent page dropdown list not filtered in quick edit = 1.7.3 (2015-04-11) = * the transient 'pll_languages_list' now stores an array of arrays instead of an array of PLL_Language objects * fix: fatal error for users hosted at GoDaddy (due to PLL_Language objects stored in a transient) * fix: additional query vars are removed from home page * fix: categories are not filtered by the admin language switcher in posts list table (introduced in 1.7) * fix: when using multiple domains, the domain url is lost when modifying the language slug * fix: the queried object is incorrectly set for author archives (introduced in 1.6.5) * fix: notice when a nav menu assigned to a translated nav menu location has been deleted * fix: no canonical redirection when using pretty permalinks and querying default permalinks = 1.7.2 (2015-03-23) = * fix: comments are filtered for posts in a post type not managed by Polylang * fix: translated static front page don't work when setting PLL_CACHE_HOME_URL to false (introduced in 1.7) * fix: the query for taxonomies on custom post types is broken (when adding the language code to the url) = 1.7.1 (2015-03-20) = * fix: wrong redirection when using a static front page and replacing the page name by the language code (introduced in 1.7) = 1.7 (2015-03-19) = * Minimum WordPress version is now v3.8 * Add new languages to the predefined languages list: Swiss German, Hazaragi * Add compatibility with nested tax queries introduced in WP 4.1 * Add compatibility with splitting shared terms to be introduced in WP 4.2 * Add the possibility to change the domain in the default language when using multiple domains (avoids a conflict with the domain mapping plugin) * Add the possibility to set the language from the code in url when using default permalinks * Adding the language code in url is now default at first activation (should improve the out of the box compatibility with other plugins and themes) * Add new language switcher option to hide a language with no translation * pll_the_languages() now outputs the js code to handle language change in dropdown list (as done by the widget) * Improve performance by using base64 encoded flags + various slight optimizations * Improve protection against chained redirects * The find posts list is now filtered per media language when clicking on attach link in Media library * Copy alternative text when creating a media translation * The category checklist in quick edit is now filtered per post language instead of admin language filter * Quick and bulk language edit don't break translations anymore if the new language is free * Make it impossible to change the language of the default categories * Make sure that a default category defined in settings->writing is translated in all languages * Tweak css for mobiles in add and edit term form * Tweak the query getting the list of available posts in the autocomplete input field in the post languages metabox * fix: after adding a term translation, need to refresh the page before adding a new term * fix: term translations rows are not modified in list table when a term is added / deleted or inline edited * fix: post translations rows are not modified in list table when a post is inline edited * fix: using brackets in language name breaks strings translations * fix: quick edit may conflict with other plugins * fix: impossible to use several dropdown languages widgets * fix: pll_the_languages() may display a dropdown with empty options * fix: the categories widget does not work correctly with dropdown * fix: autosave post always created after manual save * fix: tax query not filtered by language when using 'NOT IN' operator on a translated taxonomy * fix: incorrect translation url for searches filtered by taxonomy * fix: backward incompatibility for edited_term_taxonomy action introduced in WP 4.2 * fix: the home link may be incorrect on MS Windows * fix: tags in wrong language may be assigned when bulk editing posts in several languages * fix: tags created when bulk editing posts are not assigned any language * fix: Illegal string offset 'taxonomy' introduced in v1.6.5 * fix: Undefined property: WP_Query::$queried_object_id when calling pll_the_languages(array('raw' => 1)) in a function hooked to 'wp'. props [KLicheR](https://wordpress.org/support/profile/klicher) * fix: Notice in admin.php when used with MailPoet plugin = 1.6.5 (2015-02-18) = * Add new correspondances between WordPress locales and Facebook locales (for WPSEO and Jetpack users) * fix: quick draft posts are always assigned the default category in the default language * fix: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in wp-includes/query.php introduced in WP 4.1 * fix: is_tax and is_archive are not correctly set when a custom taxonomy term is queried * fix: conflict introduced by WPSEO 1.7.2+ = 1.6.4 (2015-02-01) = * Add es_MX to predefined languages list * Add compatibility with WordPress SEO sitemaps for multiple domains and subdomains * fix: a new post is assigned the wrong (untranslated) default category if no category is assigned by the user * fix: the home links now have the right scheme even if PLL_CACHE_HOME_URL is not set to false * fix: fatal error when using old versions of WPSEO (I should do what I tell other to do!) * fix: strings translations are not switched when using switch_to_blog = 1.6.3 (2015-01-09) = * Add Georgian translation contributed by [Tours in Georgia](http://www.georgia-tours.eu/) * fix: WXR export does not include the language of untranslated terms (will now work only for newly saved terms) * fix: better cleaning of DB when translated objects are deleted * fix: incorrect (ajax) translations links when modifying a term language * fix: warning: Illegal string offset 'taxonomy' introduced by the combination of WP 4.1 and some plugins. = 1.6.2 (2014-12-14) = * fix: bugs and inconsistencies compared to WPML in 'icl_get_languages' (should fix a conflict with Avada) * fix: https issue * fix: stop displaying an error when adding en_US as new language (translation not downloaded) * fix: infinite redirect loop on (unattached) attachment links * fix: impossible to add tags in post quick edit (introduced in 1.5) * fix: the customizer does not land to the right page when cumulating: static front page + page name in url + default language code not hidden * fix: read parent theme wpml-config.xml before child theme * fix: add protection to avoid empty language * fix: page preview link again = 1.6.1 (2014-11-19) = * Add Brazilian Portuguese translation contributed by [Henrique Vianna](http://henriquevianna.com/) * Improve compatibility with Types: allow custom fields to be populated when creating a new translation * Make it impossible to remove the translations of the default category * Fix: possibility to add a path when using multiple domains (same path for all languages) broken since v1.5.6 * Fix: preview link for non default language when using multiple domains * Fix: error displayed when setting the static front page and only one language has been defined * Fix: revert changes on rewrite rules with front introduced in 1.6 * Fix: conflict with WordPress SEO when no language has been created = 1.6 (2014-10-27) = * Add Croatian translation contributed by Bajro * Add new languages to predefined languages list: Azerbaijani, English (Australia), English (UK), Basque * Add flag in front of the language select dropdown for posts and terms * Add widget text translation * Add opengraph support for locale and translations when WordPress SEO or Jetpack are activated * Add error message if attempting to assign an untranslated page as static front page * Add 'pll_sanitize_string_translation' filter to sanitize registered strings translations when saved * Fix: change the en_US flag to US flag. The UK flag is now associated to en_GB * Fix: change Belarussian locale from be_BY to bel to in agreement with translate.wordpress.org * Fix home pages duplicate urls when using domains or subdomains * Fix rewrite rules with front * Fix: terms are always in default language when created from post bulk edit = 1.5.6 (2014-10-11) = * Fix: the admin language filter is not active for paginated taxonomy in nav menu admin panel * Fix: wrong redirection if a domain is a substring of another domain (ex: mysite.com and mysite.co) * Fix: impossible to translate numeric values in options defined in wpml-config.xml * Fix: call to undefined method PLL_Links::get_translation_url() with Avada theme * Fix: manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_icolumn is a filter and not an action = 1.5.5 (2014-09-10) = * Fix: missing argument 4 in icl_translate * Fix: conflict with Vantage theme * Fix: possible issue with cookie domain on 'localhost' * Fix: filtering string translations does not work when the group name contains a space * Fix: Possible 404 error for attachments * Fix: PHP notice when a shared term is not translated in all taxonomies = 1.5.4 (2014-08-13) = * Add new API functions: pll_get_post_language, pll_get_term_language, pll_translate_string * Add better compatibility with Jetpack 3 * Fix: attachments don't get any language when uploaded from frontend * Fix: authors cannot create tags * Fix: too restrictive capability checks for some edge cases * Fix: conflict with WPSEO: taxonomy metas cannot be saved = 1.5.3 (2014-07-12) = * Add: Capability check before creating links in post list table * Add: Possibility not to cache languages objects with option PLL_CACHE_LANGUAGES (for GoDaddy users) * Fix: Saving a header or a background in menu Appearance resets nav menus locations (introduced in 1.5) * Fix: sub-sub-options and deeper levels defined in wpml-config.xml are not translated * Fix: Fatal error when creating a new site when Polylang is network activated (introduced in v1.5.1) * Fix: Admin language forced to English when activating Polylang (before creating any new language) * Fix: 'pll_count_posts' second parameter not taken into account * Fix: 'edit-post' and 'create-posts' capabilities are not differentiated when saving a post = 1.5.2 (2014-06-24) = * Fix: Revert post translations terms cleaning introduced in 1.5 as it seems to cause problems * Fix: Impossible to delete a biographical info (introduced in 1.5) * Fix: Security issue reported by [Gregory Viguier](http://www.screenfeed.fr/) = 1.5.1 (2014-06-19) = * Add: filter 'pll_settings_tabs' and action 'pll_settings_active_tab_{$tab}' * Add: possibility to add a path when using multiple domains (same path for all languages) * Fix: Bad redirection if /language/ is added to urls (introduced in 1.5) * Fix: Nav menu locations are not saved in customizer (introduced in 1.4) * Fix: Unable to unset nav menu locations * Fix: Incorrect link for date archives in language switcher (introduced in 1.5) * Fix: Fatal error when using featured content in Twenty Fourteen * Fix: Posts bulk edit broken (introduced in 1.5) * Fix: Polylang does not play nice with switch_to_blog * Fix: Warning: reset() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in admin-filters-columns.php on line 81 = 1.5 (2014-05-29) = * Add Ukrainian translation contributed by [http://getvoip.com/](http://getvoip.com/) * Refresh translation metaboxes (again): now translated posts are chosen from an autocomplete input field * Categories and post tags translations are also chosen in an automplete input field * Better error management on languages pages * Use Dashicons instead of Icomoon icons for WP 3.8+ * Check if translated post is readable by the current user before displaying the language switcher * Minimum Twenty Fourteen version is now 1.1 * Code cleaning * Add support for Quick draft introduced in WP 3.8 * Add support for object cache plugins for recent posts and recent comments widgets * Add support for pages with modified query in the language switcher (ex: when multiple post types queried on the same page) * Add new API functions: pll_languages_list, pll_set_post_language, pll_set_term_language, pll_save_post_translations, pll_save_term_translations, pll_count_posts * Add new filter pll_the_languages_args * Add support for ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE == 'all' on admin side * Fix: Galician flag * Fix: static page on front pagination is broken * Fix: search url may be broken * Fix: PHP notice in icl_get_languages * Fix: more robust way of detecting language in url when using directory * Fix: delete translations terms orphans in database * Fix: inconsistent behavior when setting page on front from customizer * Fix: deleting a category assigns posts to wrong default category * Fix: quick edit breaks synchronization * Fix: some security issues = 1.4.5 (2014-04-19) = * Fix: Notice when combined with WPSEO 1.5+ * Fix: Impossible to disable a widget language filter once set (introduced in 1.4.4) * Fix: Unexpected redirection of the homepage with language code when permalink structure has no trailing slash (introduced in 1.4.4) * Fix: Some installs lead to wrong redirection when using domains (introduced in 1.4.4) * Fix: Possible infinite redirection while previewing posts (introduced in 1.4.4) * Fix: Uploaded medias don't get a language since WP 3.9 * Fix: Compatibility with Twenty Fourteen Ephemera widget in the version shipped with WP 3.9 = 1.4.4 (2014-04-09) = * Add: Compatibility with widgets customizer introduced in WP 3.9 * Fix: No post in translation dropdown after switching the language in edit post (introduced in 1.4.3) * Fix: No canonical redirection when there is no language code in url and the language code is not hidden for the default language * Fix: Suppress language cookie when using multiple domains = 1.4.3 (2014-03-22) = * Add: Serbian translation contributed by Sinisa * Add: Myanmar translation contributed by Sithu Thwin * Fix: comment form redirects to wp-admin when using multiple domains or subdomains. * Fix: fatal error with old versions of PHP (tested on PHP 5.2.4) * Fix: Bad gateway experienced by users hosted by wpengine.com * Fix: links got from tiny MCE link button are filtered with admin language filter instead of current post language * Fix: possibly wrong redirection in check_language_code_in_url when using multiple domains or subdomains = 1.4.2 (2014-02-24) = * Add: check multiple post types in PLL_Model::count_posts * Fix: error 404 on category links when setting the language by content (introduced in 1.4.1) * Fix: PHP notices in frontend-nav-menu.php with Artisteer themes * Fix: decrease the memory usage of untranslated posts list * Fix: home page not correctly redirected to canonical when using page on front and page name is kept in url = 1.4.1 (2014-02-16) = * Add: Czech translation contributed by [Přemysl Karbula](http://www.premyslkarbula.cz) * Fix: the displayed language is not correct in quick edit for categories and post tags * Fix: the language switcher does not display the correct link for translated parent categories if only children have posts * Fix: 3rd parameter of icl_object_id is not optional * Fix: issue when combining multiple domains and browser detection -> the combination is now forbidden * Fix: conflict Shiba Media Library: link between media translations is lost when using media quick edit * Fix: notice when using taxonomies in wpml-config.xml * Fix: incorrect post format link * Fix: Twenty Fourteen Ephemera widget strings are not translated = 1.4 (2014-01-22) = * Add Traditionial Chinese translation contributed by [香腸](http://sofree.cc/) * Minimum WordPress version is now v3.5 * Refresh translations metaboxes: now translated posts are chosen in a dropdown list * Check if translated archives for category, tag and post format are empty before displaying the language switcher * Add specific management of translated featured tag in Twenty Fourteen * Add the possibility not to cache homepage urls with option PLL_CACHE_HOME_URL (for users having several domains). * The function get_pages is now filtered by language * Ajax requests on frontend are now automatically detected. It is no more necessary to set 'pll_load_front' :) * Various performance improvements * 'pll_get_post_types' and 'pll_get_taxonomies' filters must be added *before* 'after_setup_theme' is fired * Pre 1.2 data will be removed from DB at first upgrade at least 60 days after upgrade to 1.4 * Removed some duplicate code between admin and frontend * Bug correction: incorrect pagination when using domains or subdomains * Bug correction: post format link not translated * Bug correction: impossible to use child terms with same name in hierarchical taxonomies * Bug correction: the terms list table is filtered according to new translation language instead of admin language filter = 1.3.1 (2013-12-13) = * Bug correction: fatal error on settings page if a static front page without language is set * Bug correction: wrong home url when using different domains per language = 1.3 (2013-12-11) = * Refresh admin UI for better look in WP 3.8 and more dynamic comportment * The "Detect browser language" option does now also controls returning visits (based on cookie). * Improved performance by optimizing some queries for WP 3.5+ * The user biography in default language is now stored in default WordPress usermeta * Add language parameter in API function pll_home_url and allow to call it on admin side * Calling 'get_terms' with the 'lang' parameter now uses a cache object per language * Bug correction: conflict with unstranslated taxonomies * Bug correction: possible malformed translation archive url in language switcher * Bug correction: a wrong language may be displayed in quick edit dropdown * Bug correction: it is possible to add multiple translations (in the same language) for a single taxonomy term * Bug correction: non public post types and taxonomies are visible in Polylang settings * Bug correction: the language is always chosen from cookie (or browser preferences) in some installations * Bug correction: Firefox language preference is not recognized when comparison is made on locale (instead of ISO 639-1 language code) * Bug correction: incorrect tax_query in PLL_Auto_Translate = 1.2.4 (2013-11-28) = * Better support for theme customizer * Bug correction: admin bar search does not filter by language * Bug correction: possible conflict on secondary query when querying taxonomies or single page * Bug correction: post type is not included in url when editing or adding a term translation * Bug correction: various warnings and PHP notices = 1.2.3 (2013-11-17) = * Avoid fatal error when ugrading with Nextgen Gallery active * Bug correction: menus locations of non default language are lost at theme deactivation * Bug correction: impossible to set menus locations of non default language in some specific cases * Bug correction: bbpress admin is broken = 1.2.2 (2013-11-14) = * Updated Polish translation thanks to [Bartosz](http://www.dfactory.eu/) * Delay strings translations upgrade from 'wp_loaded' to 'admin_init' to avoid fatal error when wp-ecommerce is active * Remove Jetpack infinite scroll compatibility code as it seems useless with new Polylang 1.2 code structure * Bug correction: fatal error when doing ajax on frontend * Bug correction: ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE incorrectly defined when doing ajax on frontend * Bug correction: ['current_lang'] and ['no-translation'] indexes disappeared from pll_the_languages raw output * Bug correction: invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /polylang/include/mo.php on line 57 * Bug correction: cookie may not be correctly set * Bug correction: languages columns may not be displayed in custom post types and custom taxonomies tables = 1.2.1 (2013-11-11) = * Update badly encoded Latvian translation * Suppress one query in PLL_WPML_Config when not in multisite * Bug correction: strings translations are not correctly upgraded * Bug correction: nav menus locations are not correctly upgraded for non default language = 1.2 (2013-11-10) = This version does include important changes in database. More than ever, make a database backup before upgrading * Add Arabic translation contributed by [Anas Sulaiman](http://ahs.pw/) * Major rewrite with new structure * Change the language and translations model from meta to taxonomy (no extra termmeta table created anymore) * Move the strings translations from option to a custom post type * Add support for language code in subdomain and for one different domain per language (experimental) * Add support of wordpress importer plugin. Export must have been done with Polylang 1.2+ (experimental) * Add support for theme navigation customizer (was de-activated by Polylang since WP 3.4) * Request confirmation for deleting a language * Better management of default category for each language * Now check if date and post type archives are translated before displaying the language switcher * Update management of the 'copy' action of the custom fields section in wpml-config.xml * Add support for ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE and ICL_LANGUAGE_NAME of the WPML API on admin side * Add support of WPSEO custom strings translations when the language is set from content * Modify admin language filter for valid html and better visibility * Synchronization is now disabled by default (due to too much conflicts / questions on the forum) * Include rel="alternate" hreflang="x" selflink per google recommendation * Improve inline documentation * Bug correction: wrong datatype for second argument in polylang/include/auto-translate.php (introduced in 1.1.6) * Bug correction: same id is used for all language items in menu * Bug correction: wpml-config.xml file not loaded for sitewide active plugins on network installations * Bug correction: page parent dropdown list (in page attributes metabox) not correctly displayed when switching from a language with empty list = 1.1.6 (2013-10-13) = * Add the possibility to display the upgrade notice on plugins page * Bug correction: Illegal string offset 'taxonomy' in polylang/include/auto-translate.php * Bug correction: user defined strings translations are not loaded on admin side * Bug correction: untranslated post types are auto translated * Bug correction: tags are not added to post when the name exists in several languages and they are not translations of each other = 1.1.5 (2013-09-15) = * Add compatibility with Aqua Resizer (often used in porfolio themes) * Add support of 'icl_get_default_language' function from the WPML API * Remove the 3 characters limitation for the language code * Change default names for zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_TW * Bug correction: urls are modified in search forms = 1.1.4 (2013-08-16) = * Add simplified Chinese language contributed by [Changmeng Hu](http://www.wpdaxue.com) * Add Indonesian language contributed by [ajoull](http://www.ajoull.com/) * Bug correction: nav menu locations are lost when using the admin language filter * Bug correction: the cookie is not set when adding the language code to all urls (introduced in 1.1.3) = 1.1.3 (2013-07-21) = * Add Venetian language contributed by Michele Brunelli * Bug correction: wrong rewrite rules for non translated custom post type archives * Bug correction: 'post_id' parameter of pll_the_languages does not work * Bug correction: warning in wp_nav_menu_objects with Artisteer generated themes * Bug correction: warning when used together with theme my login plugin * Bug correction: language slug is modified and translations are lost when creating a nav menu with the same name as a language = 1.1.2 (2013-06-18) = * Posts and terms now inherit parent's language if created outside the standard WordPress ui * Improve the compatibility with the plugins Types and The Events Calendar, and again with WordPress SEO * Improve performance * Improve html validation * Add 'raw' argument to 'pll_the_languages' * Add the filter 'pll_translation_url' * Bug correction: no language is set for a (translated custom taxonomy) term when added from a (non tranlated) custom post type edit page * Bug correction: warning if 'get_terms' is called with a non-array 'include' argument (introduced in 1.1.1) * Bug correction: warning if the menu language switcher has nothing to display = 1.1.1 (2013-05-20) = * Move nav menu language switcher split from 'wp_nav_menu_objects' to 'wp_get_nav_menu_items' filter * Add the filter 'pll_redirect_home' * Automatically translate ids in 'include' argument of 'get_terms' (useful for the menus in the Suffusion theme) * Add compatibility with Jetpack infinite scroll * Bug correction: rtl text direction not set when adding the language code to all urls (introduced in 1.1) * Bug correction: hide again navigation panel in theme customizer as it still doesn't work * Bug correction: is_home not set on translated page when searching an empty string * Bug correction: fatal error when creating a post or term from frontend (introduced in 1.1) * Bug correction: attachments may load a wrong language when media translation was enabled then disabled * Bug correction: warning when querying posts before the action 'wp_loaded' has been fired (in auto-translate.php) * Bug correction: potential issue if other plugins use the filter 'get_nav_menu' * Bug correction: interference between language inline edit and search in admin list tables * Bug correction: auto-translate breaks queries tax_query when the 'field' is set to 'id' * Bug correction: search is not filtered by language for default permalinks (introduced in 1.1) * Tests done with WP 3.6 beta 3 and Twenty thirteen = 1.1 (2013-05-10) = * When adding the language to all urls, the language is now defined in (plugins_loaded, 1) for better compatibility with some plugins (WordPress SEO) * When querying posts and terms, ids are now automatically translated * Add the possibility to group string translations * Add the possibility to delete strings registered with 'icl_register_string' * Move the option 'polylang_widgets' in general polylang options * Better integration of the multilingual nav menus (everything is now integrated in the menus page of WordPress * The language switcher is now a menu item which can be placed everywhere in a nav menu * Posts or terms created from frontend are now assigned the current language (or another one if specified in the variable 'lang') * Bug correction: continents-cities-xx_XX.mo not downloaded * Bug correction: a gzipped 404 page is downloaded when a mo file does not exist on WordPress languages files repository * Bug correction: post_date_gmt not synchronized together with post_date * Tests done with WP 3.6 beta 2 and Twenty thirteen = 1.0.4 (2013-04-08) = * Add Estonian translation contributed by [Ahto Naris](http://profiles.wordpress.org/ahtonaris/) * Now compatible with languages files stored in wp-content/languages/themes * Bug correction: page preview does not work when adding the language code to all urls * Bug correction: error when a post type or taxonomy label is not a string * Bug correction: admin text section of wpml-config.xml (introduced in 1.0.3) * Bug correction: infinite redirect loop when querying an unattached media and the language code is added to all urls * Bug correction: the text direction is not set from Polylang options when the language code is added to all urls * Bug correction: get_adjacent_post is filtered by language even for post types without language * Bug correction: the home url is not not in the correct language in wp-login.php * Bug correction: the language is not correctly set when using date and name permalinks (introduced in 1.0.3) = 1.0.3 (2013-03-17) = * Add Catalan translation contributed by [Núria Martínez Berenguer](http://nuriamb.capa.webfactional.com) * Add Ukrainian translation contributed by [cmd soft](http://www.cmd-soft.com/) * Improve compatibility with WordPress SEO (sitemap for categories and tags) * A query is no more filtered by language when setting the parameter 'lang' to an empty value * Add the possibility to create a custom wpml-config.xml file in wp-content/polylang/ * Bug correction: custom menus are not displayed on search page (introduced in 1.0.2) * Bug correction: sql error when filtering terms by language (introduced in 1.0.2) * Bug correction: SSL doesn't work properly * Bug correction: php notice on IIS servers * Bug correction: clicking on the radio buttons in the admin language switcher does not work in Chrome * Bug correction: on multisite, the signup page is redirected to the home page * Bug correction: date archives are not correctly filtered for the default language when hiding the language code and using date and name permalinks * Bug correction: only one wpml-config.xml file is parsed = 1.0.2 (2013-02-26) = * Add the possibility to query comments by language * Add the possibility not to set a cookie by defining PLL_COOKIE to false (Polylang may not work as expected on some pages) * Now a returning visitor is redirected to its preferred language when visiting the front page in the default language * Add compatibility with the plugin Custom field template (copy and synchronize custom fields) * Improve compatibility with plugins or themes which overwrite columns in posts list table * Add the filter 'pll_get_flag' * Add support of 'icl_unregister_string' function from the WPML API * Bug correction: synchronizing custom fields breaks the plugin Advanced Custom Fields * Bug correction: 'pll_default_language' broken * Bug correction: rewrite rules are not flushed when re-activating the plugin * Bug correction: feed urls are not correctly escaped when using default permalinks * Bug correction: notice Undefined index: media_support * Bug correction: custom post types and taxonomies set in wpml-config.xml are not hidden * Bug correction: get_terms cannot query multiple languages * Bug correction: 'icl_register_string' is now persistant as in WPML (fixes Nextgen gallery translations which were not working) = 1.0.1 (2013-01-28) = * Add Swedish translation contributed by [matsii](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/matsii) * Add 2 new API functions : 'pll_is_translated_post_type' and 'pll_is_translated_taxonomy' * Bug correction: when using a static front page, the posts page is not filtered by language (introduced in 1.0) * Bug correction: disable translation for hard coded menu as it creates more problems than it solves (introduced in 1.0) = 1.0 (2013-01-24) = * Add Hungarian translation contributed by Csaba Erdei * Add Norwegian translation contributed by [Tom Boersma](http://www.oransje.com/) * Add Slovak translation contributed by [Branco (WebHostingGeeks.com)](http://webhostinggeeks.com/user-reviews/) * Code cleaning -> remove compatibility with versions older than 0.8 * Add search in the string translations list table * Add options to better control the synchronization of various metas for posts * It is now possible to synchronize sticky posts and publication dates * Add option to disable the multilingual support of media * Add options to better control the multilingual capability of custom post types and taxonomies * Better integration with new media management in WP 3.5 * Improve menu translation for themes which register a theme location but don't use it in wp_nav_menu (hard coded menu) * Add the pll_preferred_language filter allowing plugins to modify the language set by browser preferences detection * Add support of the WPML config file * Add support of 'icl_get_languages' and 'icl_link_to_element' functions from the WPML API * Add compatibility with YARPP and improve compatibility with WordPress SEO * Change cookie name which conflicts with Quick cache and allow users to overwrite it by defining the constant PLL_COOKIE * Bug correction: again the canonical redirection * Bug correction: the languages are not correctly displayed after they have been modified using quick edit * Bug correction: undefined index notice when saving strings translation when the admin language filter is active * Bug correction: rewrite rules are not correctly flushed when adding / deleting a language (introduced in 0.9.2) * Bug correction: the list of pages is displayed when a static font page translation is not translated (now replaced by the list of posts) * Bug correction: permalinks are not modified when doing cron and the language code is added to all urls * Bug correction: creating a new term with the same name as a language may modify the language code (slug) = 0.9.8 (2012-12-05) = * Bug correction: ajax on frontend does not work when adding the language code to all urls * Bug correction: search forms using the get_search_form filter do not work = 0.9.7 (2012-12-04) = * Bug correction: the admin language filter does filter non translatable post types * Bug correction: again the canonical redirection * Bug correction: fatal error when Polylang is used together with 'Author Avatars List' * Bug correction: widget titles uselessly appear in the strings translations table when the widget is set for only one language * Tests done with WordPress 3.5 RC3 and Twenty Twelve = 0.9.6 (2012-11-26) = * It is now possible to query the terms by language using the WordPress function 'get_terms' * Bug correction: search for empty string in default language displays posts in all languages when hiding the URL language information for default language * Bug correction: completely reworked the canonical redirection introduced in 0.9.5 which created more problems than it solved * Bug correction: ajax for media translations does not work * Started tests with WordPress 3.5 RC1 and Twenty Twelve = 0.9.5 (2012-11-13) = * The user can now choose the number of languages and strings translations to display * Add compatibility with the 'icl_object_id' function and ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE and ICL_LANGUAGE_NAME constants from the WPML API * Add 17 languages to the predefined list (automatic download and update of language files won't work) * Bug correction: post preview does not work when adding the language code to all urls * Bug correction: redirect to front page in default language when posting a comment on static front page * Bug correction: impossible to create terms with the same name in different languages * Bug correction: query string added by other plugins is erased when adding the language code to all urls * Bug correction: redirect erase 'POST' variables on homepage when adding the language code to all urls * Bug correction: English (en_US) loads rtl style when using a localized WordPress package with an rtl language * Bug correction: on some installation strings translations do not work with some special characters * Bug correction: incoming links are not redirected to canonical url when adding the language code to all urls and hiding the code for the default language * Bug correction: search form does not work in non default language when using permalinks without trailing slash = 0.9.4 (2012-10-23) = * Add Afrikaans translation contributed by [Kobus Joubert](http://translate3d.com/) * Add Belarusian translation contributed by [Alexander Markevitch](http://fourfeathers.by/) * Add Afrikaans (af) and Belarusian (be_BY) to predefined languages list (automatic download and update of language files won't work) * Add the possibility to translate the date format and time format * Add compatibility with the 'icl_get_home_url' function from the WPML API * Bug correction: still some issues with string translations * Bug correction: search is not filtered by the (default) language when the language is set by content and the language code is hidden for the default language * Bug correction: posts & pages preview urls are broken when adding the language code to all urls * Bug correction: automatically added new top-level pages to menus are not filtered by language * Bug correction: the admin language filter messes the categories languages when editing a post and the parent dropdown list when editing a category * Bug correction: search form does not work when using a static front page (introduced in 0.9.2) * Bug correction: can't set languages for categories and post tags on blogs created after polylang has been activated at network level * Bug correction: menus don't work with catch box theme ('has_nav_menu' not correctly filtered) = 0.9.3 (2012-10-08) = * Add Bulgarian translation contributed by [pavelsof](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/pavelsof) * Add compatibility with WPML API for strings translations * Bug correction: dates are not translated (introduced in 0.9.2) * Bug correction: the language is lost when keeping - No change - for language in bulk edit * Bug correction: categories and tags are duplicate (when default language is set automatically to existing content and categories and tags share the same name) = 0.9.2 (2012-09-30) = * Support new WordPress (WP 3.5+) convention for js and css files naming * Improve performance, mainly on frontend * Bug correction: the category language is not set when creating it in the post editor (introduced in 0.9) * Bug correction: unable to add a query string when using a static front page * Bug correction: ajax tag suggestion in "edit post" conflicts with the admin content language filter * Bug correction: ugly notices when trying to access a static front page which has not been translated * Bug correction: the language code is added to custom post types and taxonomies permalinks even if they are not translatable * Bug correction: some arrays in wp_locale mix English and other language * Bug correction: the media language is not correctly set when uploading from post if the post has not been saved after choosing the language = 0.9.1 (2012-09-20) = * Add Finnish translation contributed by [Jani Alha](http://www.wysiwyg.fi) * Bug correction: improve the robustness of the admin content language filter * Bug correction: the language switcher displays languages which have no posts or pages (introduced in 0.9) * Bug correction: wrong default language when adding a new media * Bug correction: the dropdown language switcher does not switch language when there is no post translation * Bug correction: issue with translations when using category quick edit * Bug correction: home redirects to 404 when combining static front page + force_lang = 1 + hide_default = 0 = 0.9 (2012-09-12) = * Add Turkish translation contributed by [darchws](http://darch.ws/) * Add media translation support * Add a persistant content language filter on admin side (WP 3.2+ required) * Add biographical info translation * Add multiline support for string translations * Add the possibility to clean the strings translation database * Add quick edit and bulk edit support for posts and pages * Add quick edit support for categories and tags * The language is now loaded with 'setup_theme' action instead of 'wp' action when always adding language information url * Search form now does use javascript only for searchform.php when pretty permalinks are not used * Add the option PLL_SEARCH_FORM_JS to disable the js code used to modify the search form * Suppress the option PLL_SYNC, replaced by an option in the language settings ui * Suppress the PLL_DISPLAY_ALL option * Suppress the template tag 'the_languages' (replaced by 'pll_the_languages' since v0.5) * Suppress the function 'pll_is_front_page' (useless since 0.8.2) * Bug correction: the browser language is sometimes not correctly detected by Android * Bug correction: the rtl text direction is not correct when editing an existing language * Bug correction: rss feed does not work if translated site title or tagline contains special characters * Bug correction: post types and taxonomies labels are not translated on frontend * Bug correction: the filter 'pll_copy_post_metas' does not work for metas with multiple values * Bug correction: translations table for post and terms are uselessly serialized two times * Bug correction: attempt to suppress conflict with themes which hardcode the name of nav menus (but do define a theme location) * Bug correction: homepage displays all posts when the front page displays a static page and no page is selected for front page (but one is selected for posts page) * Bug correction: widgets disappear when Polylang is enabled = 0.8.10 (2012-08-06) = * Add Lithuanian (lt_LT) to predefined languages list (automatic download and update of language files won't work) * Add Lithuanian translation contributed by [Naglis Jonaitis](http://najo.lt/) * Bug correction: empty string translation issue * Bug correction: 'wp_list_pages' does not filter custom post types * Bug correction: warning if posts are queried before the action 'wp_loaded' has been fired * Bug correction: notice in twentyten when resquesting a date archive with no posts = 0.8.9 (2012-07-20) = * Add Portuguese translation contributed by [Vitor Carvalho](http://vcarvalho.com/) = 0.8.8 (2012-07-18) = * Validation improvement thanks to kg69design * Bug correction: custom post types rewrite rules are broken when registered with query_var=>false * Bug correction: user admin language not deleted when uninstalling the plugin * Bug correction: pll_current_language('name') returns locale instead of language name * Bug correction: ajax on frontend does not work * Bug correction: homepage pagination broken when redirecting the language page to a static front page * Bug correction: taxonomies conflicts on custom post types * Bug correction: the admin language is not updated when edited by other users = 0.8.7 (2012-06-10) = * Add the possibility to load Polylang API for ajax requests on frontend * Bug correction: search form is broken when using a static front page * Bug correction: admin bar search does not work * Tests done with WordPress 3.4 RC2 = 0.8.6 (2012-05-23) = * Add the possibility to use a local config file to set options * Improve robustness (less PHP notices) * Bug correction: Menus not showing in preview mode * Bug correction: fatal error when customizing a theme in WP 3.4 beta 4 * Bug correction: second page of search results returns 404 when using pretty permalinks = 0.8.5 (2012-05-14) = * Bug correction : sites using static front page are messed in v0.8.4 = 0.8.4 (2012-05-13) = * Add a new argument 'post_id' to the function pll_the_languages to display posts translations within the loop * Bug correction: every posts in every languages are shown on the homepage when requesting the wrong one with or without 'www.' * Bug correction: every posts in every languages are shown when requesting /?p=string * Bug correction: the language is not correctly set for wp-signup.php and wp-activate.php * Bug correction: wrong home links when using permalinks with front with WP 3.3 and older * Bug correction: wrong redirection after posting a comment when adding the language information to all urls * Bug correction: term language may be lost in some situations * Bug correction: post language is set to default if updated outside the edit post page * Bug correction: javascript error in WP 3.1 * Bug correction: can't toggle visibility of tags metabox in edit post panel * Tests done with WordPress 3.4 beta 4 = 0.8.3 (2012-04-10) = * Add Danish translation contributed by [Compute](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/compute) * Add Spanish translation contributed by Curro * Add the possibility to add a content in a different language than the current one by setting explicitely the lang parameter in the secondary query * Add support of PATHINFO permalinks * Bug correction: secondary queries not correctly filtered by language * Bug correction: wrong archives links when using permalinks with front * Bug correction: wrong homepage link when keeping 'language' in permalinks with front * Bug correction: flush_rewrite_rules notice when setting up a static front page (introduced in 0.8.2) * Bug correction: every posts in every languages are shown when hitting the homepage with a query string unknown to WP (thanks to Gonçalo Peres) * Bug correction: every posts in every languages are shown on the homepage when PHP adds index.php to the url * Tests done with WordPress 3.4 beta 1 = 0.8.2 (2012-03-20) = * Add Italian translation contributed by [Luca Barbetti](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/lucabarbetti) * Improve performance on admin side * Comment status and ping status are now copied when adding a new translation * Deprecated API function 'pll_is_front_page' as it is now useless * Bug correction: Wrong translation url for taxonomies when adding the language information to all urls * Bug correction: "translation" of search page does not work if the site is only made of pages * Bug correction: wrong language permalink structure introduced in 0.8.1 * Bug correction: wrong language set when clicking on "add new" translation in edit category and edit tags panels * Bug correction: site does not display if no languages are set * Bug correction: get_author_posts_url is 404 * Bug correction: homepage is 404 when using a static front page and adding the language information to all urls = 0.8.1 (2012-03-11) = * Add Latvian translation contributed by [@AndyDeGroo](http://twitter.com/AndyDeGroo) * It is now possible to synchronize multiple values for custom fields * Add new API function pll_current_language * Add the pll_rewrite_rules filter allowing plugins to filter rewrite rules by language * WP 3.4 preparation: disable the menu section in the customize theme admin panel (unusable with Polylang) * Bug correction: removing 'language' in permalinks does not work in WP 3.4 alpha * Bug correction: problems with custom post type archives when 'has_archive' is set (thanks to AndyDeGroo) * Bug correction: 404 error when combining %postname% permastructure with "Add language information to all URL" option * Bug correction: translated custom strings are duplicated if registered several times * Bug correction: queries with an array of post types are not correctly filtered * Bug correction: wp-login.php always in English = 0.8 (2012-02-29) = * Sticky posts are now filtered by language * It is now possible to use the language page as home page * Add an "About Polylang" metabox on the languages admin page * Add the pll_the_languages filter allowing to filter the whole output of the language switcher * Add a new argument 'display_names_as' to the function pll_the_languages * Add pll_get_post_types & pll_get_taxonomies filters allowing to enable / disable the language filter for post types & taxonomies * Add ckb to predefined languages list * Completely reworked the string translation storage in the database * Some performance improvements on admin side * Improve compatibility with other plugins broken by the home url filter * Add an option to disable the home url filter * Add an option to disable synchronization of metas between translations * Bug correction: body class 'home' is not set on translated homepage * Bug correction: robots.txt is broken when adding the language code to all urls (including default language) * Bug correction: bad name for the Czech flag * Bug correction: bad language information in rss feed for WP < 3.4 * Bug correction: signup broken on multisite * Bug correction: the translation url is set to self when using a static front page and no page for posts and there is no translation * Bug correction: problems with custom post type archive titles * Bug correction: problems with custom post type if rewrite slug is different from post_type (thanks to AndyDeGroo) * Bug correction: quick edit still breaks translation linking of pages (thanks to AndyDeGroo) * Bug correction: bad rewrite rules for feeds (introduced in 0.7.2) * Bug correction: the order is not saved when creating a language * Bug correction: the categories list is not updated when adding a new category (ajax broken) = 0.7.2 (2012-02-15) = * Add Polish translation contributed by [Peter Paciorkiewicz](http://www.paciorkiewicz.pl) * Add 5 new languages to predefined list * completely reworked rewrite rules * WP 3.4 preparation: add new WordPress languages files to download when creating a new language * Bug correction: custom nav menus do not work in Artisteer generated themes * Bug correction: having a single language causes multiple warnings while saving post/page. * Bug correction: custom nav menu broken on archives pages * Bug correction: the language switcher does not link to translated post type archive when using pretty permalinks * Bug correction: the tags are not saved in the right language when translated tags have the same name * Bug correction: bad link in post preview when adding language code to all urls * Bug correction: feed not filtered by language when adding language code to all urls * Bug correction: duplicate canonical link when used together with WordPress SEO by Yoast * Bug correction: the all posts admin page is messed if another plugin adds a column * Bug correction: 404 error on static front page when adding language code to all urls (including default language) = 0.7.1 (2012-02-06) = * Allow using 3 characters languages codes (ISO 639-2 or 639-3) * The predefined languages dropdown list now displays the locale to help differentiate some languages * Add 5 new languages to predefined list * Bug correction: the filter 'pll_copy_post_metas' does not work * Bug correction: impossible to add a tag in the edit post panel * Bug correction: rewrite rules not correct * Bug correction: cache issue with css and js files = 0.7 (2012-01-30) = * Add Hebrew translation contributed by [ArielK](http://www.arielk.net) * Add support for RTL languages for both frontend and admin * Twenty Ten and Twenty Eleven languages files are now automatically downloaded when creating a new langage * Improve filtering tags by language in the edit post panel * Category parent dropdown list is now filtered by language * Category parents are now synchronized between translations * Add the possibility to have the language information in all URL * Add support for post formats * Add option allowing not to show the current language in the language switcher (for both menu and widget) * Add a title attribute (and the possibility to personalize it with a filter) to flags * pll_get_post and pll_get_term second parameter is now optional and defaults to current language * Add pll_the_language_link filter allowing to filter translation links outputed by the language switcher * The option PLL_DISPLAY_ALL is no longer supported * Bug correction: Autosave reset to default language * Bug correction: blog info not translated in feeds * Bug correction: post comments feed always in default language * Bug correction: undefined index notice when setting up a custom menu widget * Bug correction: rewrite rules are not correctly reset when deactivating the plugin * Bug correction: is_home not correctly set on pages 2, 3... * Bug correction: avoid naming conflicts (in sql queries) with other themes / plugins * Bug correction: bad language detection and url rewriting of custom post types archives = 0.6.1 (2012-01-12) = * Add Dutch translation contributed by [AlbertGn](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/albertgn) * Disable everything except the languages management panel while no language has been created * Bug correction: can't have the same featured image in translated posts * Bug correction: parent page dropdown does appear only after the page has been saved * Bug correction: archives widget not working anymore * Bug correction: string translations does not work for WP < 3.3 * Bug correction: fix fatal error in string translations caused by widgets using the old API * Bug correction: the strings translation panel is unable to translate strings with special characters * Bug correction: Polylang "is_front_page" returns true on archives pages = 0.6 (2012-01-07) = * Add Greek translation contributed by [theodotos](http://www.ubuntucy.org) * WordPress languages files are now automatically downloaded when creating a new langage (and updated when updating WordPress) * Add the possibility to change the order of the languages in the language switcher * Add the possibility to translate the site title, tagline and widgets titles * Categories, post tags, featured image, page parent, page template and menu order are now copied when adding a new translation * Translations are now accessibles in the "Posts", "Pages", "Categories" and "Post tags" admin panels * Improve the dropdown language switcher widget (sends now to translated page or home page based on options) * Move custom flags from polylang/local_flags to wp_content/polylang * Add two options to "pll_the_languages" ('hide_if_no_translation' and 'hide_current'). *The function does not output ul tag anymore* * Improve API * Bug correction: Twenty eleven custom Header problem with v0.5.1 * Bug correction: front-page.php not loaded for translated front page = 0.5.1 (2011-12-18) = * Improved German translation contributed by [Christian Ries](http://www.singbyfoot.lu) * Bug correction: translated homepage not recognized as home page when it displays posts * Bug correction: predefined language list does not work on IE8 * Bug correction: on some installations, "Add New" post doesn't keep intended language * Bug correction: fatal error when Polylang is used together with the plugin Tabbed Widgets * Bug correction: language Switcher points sometimes to wrong places = 0.5 (2011-12-07) = * Add multisite support * Rework the Polylang admin panel. There is now a set of predefined languages * Improve categories and tags language filter in the edit post panel * Categories and tags created in the edit post panel are now created with the same language as the post * The language switcher can now force the link to the front page instead of the translated page * The nav menus can now display a language switcher * Improved performance * Optimized the calendar widget (less code and sql queries executed) * Added the possibility to display posts and terms with no language set (see the documentation to know how to enable this functionnality) * Started the creation of a small API for theme and plugin programmers * Bug correction: when using a static front page, the page for posts does not work when using the default permalink settings * Bug correction: the search form does not work if a static front page is used * Bug correction: quick edit breaks translations * Bug correction: categories and post tags translations don't work for more than 2 languages * Bug correction: the output of wp_page_menu is not correct for non default languages = 0.4.4 (2011-11-28) = * Bug correction: When using a static front page, the translated home page displays posts instead of the translated page * Bug correction: Automatic language setting of existing categories and post tags does not work correctly = 0.4.3 (2011-11-19) = * Add Russian translation contributed by [yoyurec](http://yoyurec.in.ua) * Bug correction: impossible to suppress the language name in the language switcher widget settings * Bug correction: post's page does not work when using a static front page * Bug correction: flags in local_flags directory are removed after an automatic upgrade (now works for an upgrade from 0.4.3+ to a higher version) * Bug correction: switching to default language displays a 404 Error when hiding the default language in url and displaying the language switcher as dropdown * Other minor bug corrections * Tests done with WordPress 3.3 beta 3 = 0.4.2 (2011-11-16) = * Bug correction: language settings page is broken in v0.4.1 = 0.4.1 (2011-11-16) = * Bug correction: flags shows even when you set doesn't to show * Bug correction: custom taxonomies do not work * Bug correction: some users get the fatal error: call to undefined function wp_get_current_user() in /wp-includes/user.php on line 227 = 0.4 (2011-11-10) = * Add a documentation (in English only) * Add the possibility to hide the url language information for the default language * Add the possibility to set the admin language in the user profile * Add the possibilty to fill existing posts, pages, categories & tags with the default language * Add support for custom post types and custom taxonomies * Add the possibility to display flags in the language switcher * Add CSS classes to customize rendering of the language switcher * Add the possibility to display the language switcher as a dropdown list * Add support for calendar widget * Improve performance: less sql queries * Improve data validation when creating or updating languages * Bug correction: 'wp_list_pages' page order is ignored when the plugin is enabled * Bug correction: when using 'edit' or 'add new' (translation) for posts, the categories appear in the wrong language * Bug correction: pages are not included in language post count * Bug correction: the language switcher does not display languages if there are only pages * Bug correction: the widget filter does not allow to come back to 'all languages' once a language has been set * Other minor bug corrections = 0.3.2 (2011-10-20) = * Bug correction: authors pages are not filtered by language * Bug correction: language pages use the archive template * Bug correction: database error for comments on posts and pages * Bug correction: "Add new" translation for pages creates a post instead of a page * Bug correction: the search query does not look into pages = 0.3.1 (2011-10-16) = * Bug correction: the widget settings cannot be saved when activating Polylang * Bug correction: the archives widget does not display any links * Bug correction: ajax form for translations not working in the 'Categories' and 'Post tags' admin panels = 0.3 (2011-10-07) = * Add language filter for widgets * Improved performance for filtering pages by language * Improved security * Minor bug correction with versions management = 0.2 (2011-10-05) = * Add language filter for nav menus * Add German translation * Add language filter for recent comments * Add ajax to term edit form * Add ajax to post metabox * Improved performance for filtering terms by language * Bugs correction = 0.1 (2011-09-22) = * Initial release